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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
félagslegur framtakssjóður
social entrepreneurship fund
social irksætterfond
[is] Nauðsynlegt er að samþykkja reglugerð sem kemur á samræmdum reglum um hæfa félagslega framtakssjóði og leggur samsvarandi skyldur á stjórnendur þeirra í öllum þeim aðildarríkjum, sem vilja afla fjár um gervallt Sambandið og nota til þess heitið EuSEF. Þær kröfur ættu að tryggja tiltrú fjárfesta sem hafa hug á að fjárfesta í slíkum sjóðum. Reglugerðin skal ekki gilda um núverandi innlent fyrirkomulag sem heimilar fjárfestingu í félagslegum fyrirtækjum og sem notar ekki heitið EuSEF.

[en] It is necessary to adopt a regulation establishing uniform rules applicable to qualifying social entrepreneurship funds and imposing corresponding obligations on their managers in all Member States that wish to raise capital across the Union using the designation EuSEF. Those requirements should ensure the confidence of investors that wish to invest in such funds. The regulation should not apply to existing national schemes that allow investment in social businesses and that do not use the designation EuSEF.

[en] qualifying social entrepreneurship fund means a collective investment undertaking that:

i) intends to invest at least 70 % of its aggregate capital contributions and uncalled committed capital in assets that are qualifying investments, calculated on the basis of amounts investible after deduction of all relevant costs and holdings in cash and cash equivalents, within a time frame laid down in its rules or instruments of incorporation;

ii) does not use more than 30 % of its aggregate capital contributions and uncalled committed capital for the acquisition of assets other than qualifying investments, calculated on the basis of amounts investible after deduction of all relevant costs and holdings in cash and cash equivalents;

iii) is established within the territory of a Member State

[is] Reglugerð Evrópuþingsins og ráðsins (ESB) nr. 346/2013 frá 17. apríl 2013 um evrópska félagslega framtakssjóði

[en] Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on European social entrepreneurship funds

Skjal nr.
framtakssjóður - orðflokkur no. kyn kk.

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